Special Tomato EIO Push Chair

Designed for children from early intervention to pre-adolescent ages

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The EIO Push Chair is a lightweight stroller unmatched in features, quality and price. It is a mild to moderate positioning seat matched with a lightweight stroller designed for children from early intervention to pre-adolescent ages. Use alone, or for additional support pair it with a Soft Touch Liner or Sitter - view last image to determine what can be used with the EIO Push Chair.


  • Padded head pillow, seat and back laterals
  • Canopy, shopping basket and water bottle pocket
  • Recline available through angle adjustable backrest (25º ~ 75º from full upright) 
  • Angle Adjustable Legrest
  • 5-Point Comfort Wrap harness with chest strap and shoulder pads
  • Angle adjustable push handle
  • Easy-to-push extra large, airless wheels for street or park use. (11” rear and 9” front)
  • Swivel front wheels with lock-out feature for rough terrain
  • One-touch rear brake
  • Spring suspension
  • Lightweight aluminum frame
  • Latch to keep the stroller folded while transporting or storing it
  • Folds compactly for transport - you do not need to remove the rear wheels to fold it
  • Legrest Angle Adjustment from +15 degrees to -55 degrees
  • Push Handle Angle Adjustment from +60 degrees to -65 degrees
  • Includes 2-position foot block.
  • Aluminium frame
User Weight Limit 41kg
Total Product Weight 10 kg
Seat Width 14"
Seat Depth 12"
Back Height 24"
Warranty 2 years

There are lots of wheelchair and buggie options – where do I start?

Good question – and one that we know your child’s therapist will help you with.  However, we know that lots of parents and carers like to do their homework, so here are a few things to consider when looking at mobility options for your child:

How much support do they offer? Seating supports are often incorporated into buggies and wheelchairs to ensure that kids have good postural support and are also really comfortable.

Rear facing or front facing? Like regular buggies, it is good to have the option for your child to be facing you, which allows you to keep a close eye on them.

What is the overall size? The actually width of the buggie or wheelchair is important as you want it to easily fit through doors and let you go to the places that are part of your life. 

How much do they weigh?  Depending on the age of your child, it is likely that you will be transferring them into a car seat when you go out and will need to lift it into your vehicle.   Looking after your body is really important too.

How easily do they fold up?  How small do they go?    Think about the space you have in your vehicle and also that you made need to do this several times a day – and in the pouring rain sometimes too!

Is there a storage compartment? A small thing that makes a big difference – a place to put spare clothes, food and nappies is important.  If a storage compartment or bag is not standard, then check to see if there is an easy way for a baby bag to be attached. 

What are the options if I need to also transport other children?  Some buggies have the option of adding on a buggie board that older children can stand on, while others have the option of having mounting brackets added for a baby capsule. If this is something that you will need, make sure you discuss the options with your therapist.

And of course, kids grow so you need to consider one that has a good amount of growth incorporated in it – it’s better to start with one that is a little on the large side, than one that is a little snug.  It’s quite the process to get equipment funded so you ideally want it to last as long as possible.

How can I clean the EIO Push Chair?

  • Clean the frame with a damp cloth and mild detergent and dry thoroughly.
  • If the pushchair chassis parts have been exposed to salt water, we recommend that they be rinsed down with fresh (tap) water as soon as possible.
  • The canopy may be sponged lightly using a damp cloth and mild detergent. The seat cover, head cushion, lateral pads, and harness pads may be washed. Line dry thoroughly before reuse. Gray Harness can be placed in a mesh bag and machine-washed on a gentle cycle only.
  • Do not fold or store the product while wet and never store it in a damp environment, This can cause mildew to form.

Why do the shoulder straps on the chest harness in the EIO buggy loosen when my child leans forward?

The cause for the straps loosening is the line of pull. The straps will not slip unless the buckle is tilted. To keep the buckle flat you will need to ensure the harness is set high enough so the line of pull is straight at the buckle when over the shoulders.

The wheels squeak. How can I stop this?

If the wheels squeak, lubricate sparingly with Teflon or silicone coating. Do NOT use oil or grease-based products, as this will attract dirt, which will clog the movement.

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